SSAM Notebook: ExSeq data SSAM analysis

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from sklearn import preprocessing
import pickle
import numpy as np

import pandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
plt.rcParams[""] = "Arial"
cell_class_colors = {
    "Lamp5": "#DA808C",
    "Sncg": "#8510C0",
    "Serpinf1": "#8510C0",
    "Vip": "#70559A",
    "Sst": "#F15A29",
    "Pvalb": "#D93137",
    "L2/3 IT": "#94D9A1",
    "L4": "#00979D",
    "L5 IT": "#008A61",
    "L6 IT": "#A19922",
    "L5 PT": "#0D5B78",
    "L5 NP": "#3E9E64",
    "L6 CT": "#69A8E6",
    "L6 PT": "#69A8E6",
    "L6b": "#266180",
    "Meis2": "#FF0000",
    "CR": "#00FF66",
    "Astro": "#665C47",
    "Oligo": "#53776C",
    "VLMC": "#697255",
    "Peri": "#665547",
    "SMC": "#807059",
    "Endo": "#8D6C62",
    "Macrophage": "#537358",
seg_df = pd.read_csv("data/baysor/ex_seq/segmentation.csv")
FOV PositionsPix_1 PositionsPix_2 PositionsPix_3 PositionsGlobalPix_1 PositionsGlobalPix_2 PositionsGlobalPix_3 PositionsUm_1 PositionsUm_2 PositionsUm_3 BaseCalls_1 BaseCalls_2 BaseCalls_3 BaseCalls_4 GeneName
0 0 525.394737 1400.894737 1.763158 647.105263 525.394737 1.763158 26.269737 70.044737 0.211579 3 2 2 1 Mef2c
1 0 515.787879 1439.606061 1.363636 608.393939 515.787879 1.363636 25.789394 71.980303 0.163636 2 0 2 2 Grin3a
2 0 1661.434783 1253.086957 2.130435 794.913043 1661.434783 2.130435 83.071739 62.654348 0.255652 1 0 2 1 Mpped1
3 0 1876.357143 1560.404762 2.023810 487.595238 1876.357143 2.023810 93.817857 78.020238 0.242857 1 0 2 1 Mpped1
4 0 109.921875 471.234375 2.609375 1576.765625 109.921875 2.609375 5.496094 23.561719 0.313125 2 0 2 2 Grin3a
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
265342 98 297.687097 762.422581 97.145161 17341.897419 20368.087097 97.145161 14.884355 38.121129 11.657419 2 2 1 3 Satb2
265343 98 84.408730 525.638889 119.900794 17578.681111 20154.808730 119.900794 4.220437 26.281944 14.388095 1 3 3 1 Rorb
265344 98 1238.582677 299.692913 124.070866 17804.627087 21308.982677 124.070866 61.929134 14.984646 14.888504 3 3 0 0 Thsd7a
265345 98 1006.573529 2006.312500 125.764706 16098.007500 21076.973529 125.764706 50.328676 100.315625 15.091765 1 1 0 0 Npas1
265346 98 1013.635484 2013.854839 126.222581 16090.465161 21084.035484 126.222581 50.681774 100.692742 15.146710 1 1 0 0 Npas1

265347 rows × 15 columns

spots = pd.read_csv("data/raw/spottable_exseq.csv", usecols=["GeneName", "PositionsGlobalPix_1", "PositionsGlobalPix_2", "PositionsGlobalPix_3"]).rename(columns={"GeneName": "gene", "PositionsGlobalPix_1": "x", "PositionsGlobalPix_2": "y", "PositionsGlobalPix_3": "z"}).set_index('gene')
spots.x *= 0.05
spots.y *= 0.05
spots.z *= 0.12
spots.x -= spots.x.min()
spots.y -= spots.y.min()
spots.z -= spots.z.min()
spots['cell'] = seg_df['cell'].to_numpy()
plt.figure(figsize=[20, 15])
plt.scatter(spots.x, spots.y, s=0.1, c="r")
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7f351b29da60>
import ssam
ds = ssam.SSAMDataset("ssam_data/exseq")
analysis = ssam.SSAMAnalysis(ds, ncores=10, verbose=True)
width = int(spots.x.max())
height = int(spots.y.max())
depth = int(spots.z.max())
analysis.run_kde(locations=spots, width=width, height=height, depth=depth, bandwidth=2.5, re_run=True)
Running KDE for gene Alcam...
Saving KDE for gene Alcam...
Running KDE for gene Ank1...
Saving KDE for gene Ank1...
Running KDE for gene Ankrd55...
Saving KDE for gene Ankrd55...
Running KDE for gene B3galt1...
Saving KDE for gene B3galt1...
Running KDE for gene Cdh9...
Saving KDE for gene Cdh9...
Running KDE for gene Chodl...
Saving KDE for gene Chodl...
Running KDE for gene Cux2...
Saving KDE for gene Cux2...
Running KDE for gene Dlx1...
Saving KDE for gene Dlx1...
Running KDE for gene Elfn1...
Saving KDE for gene Elfn1...
Running KDE for gene Fam19a2...
Saving KDE for gene Fam19a2...
Running KDE for gene Fezf2...
Saving KDE for gene Fezf2...
Running KDE for gene Foxp2...
Saving KDE for gene Foxp2...
Running KDE for gene Gad2...
Saving KDE for gene Gad2...
Running KDE for gene Galnt14...
Saving KDE for gene Galnt14...
Running KDE for gene Grin3a...
Saving KDE for gene Grin3a...
Running KDE for gene Grm5...
Saving KDE for gene Grm5...
Running KDE for gene Kcnip4...
Saving KDE for gene Kcnip4...
Running KDE for gene Kcnk2...
Saving KDE for gene Kcnk2...
Running KDE for gene Kcnmb2...
Saving KDE for gene Kcnmb2...
Running KDE for gene Ldb2...
Saving KDE for gene Ldb2...
Running KDE for gene Lhx6...
Saving KDE for gene Lhx6...
Running KDE for gene Lingo2...
Saving KDE for gene Lingo2...
Running KDE for gene Mef2c...
Saving KDE for gene Mef2c...
Running KDE for gene Mpped1...
Saving KDE for gene Mpped1...
Running KDE for gene Npas1...
Saving KDE for gene Npas1...
Running KDE for gene Nr2f2...
Saving KDE for gene Nr2f2...
Running KDE for gene Nts...
Saving KDE for gene Nts...
Running KDE for gene Parm1...
Saving KDE for gene Parm1...
Running KDE for gene Pcdh8...
Saving KDE for gene Pcdh8...
Running KDE for gene Pde1a...
Saving KDE for gene Pde1a...
Running KDE for gene Prox1...
Saving KDE for gene Prox1...
Running KDE for gene Pvalb...
Saving KDE for gene Pvalb...
Running KDE for gene Rorb...
Saving KDE for gene Rorb...
Running KDE for gene Satb2...
Saving KDE for gene Satb2...
Running KDE for gene Sema3e...
Saving KDE for gene Sema3e...
Running KDE for gene Sez6...
Saving KDE for gene Sez6...
Running KDE for gene Slc32a1...
Saving KDE for gene Slc32a1...
Running KDE for gene Sv2c...
Saving KDE for gene Sv2c...
Running KDE for gene Syndig1...
Saving KDE for gene Syndig1...
Running KDE for gene Thsd7a...
Saving KDE for gene Thsd7a...
Running KDE for gene Tnni3k...
Saving KDE for gene Tnni3k...
Running KDE for gene Unc13c...
Saving KDE for gene Unc13c...
Found 3728 local max vectors.
plt.figure(figsize=[20, 17])
Processing chunk 1 (of 11)...
Processing chunk 2 (of 11)...
Processing chunk 3 (of 11)...
Processing chunk 4 (of 11)...
Processing chunk 5 (of 11)...
Processing chunk 6 (of 11)...
Processing chunk 7 (of 11)...
Processing chunk 8 (of 11)...
Processing chunk 9 (of 11)...
Processing chunk 10 (of 11)...
Processing chunk 11 (of 11)...
calls_nwcs = pd.read_csv("consensus_calls/renee/exSeq_filtered_combined_mapping_neg_weight_subclass.csv")
cell_by_gene = pd.read_csv("data/baysor/ex_seq/segmentation_counts.tsv", sep='\t').set_index('gene').T[ds.genes]
cell_by_gene = cell_by_gene.iloc[calls_nwcs.sample_name - 1]
gene Alcam Ank1 Ankrd55 B3galt1 Cdh9 Chodl Cux2 Dlx1 Elfn1 Fam19a2 ... Rorb Satb2 Sema3e Sez6 Slc32a1 Sv2c Syndig1 Thsd7a Tnni3k Unc13c
1 0 106 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 ... 1 4 7 12 0 0 6 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 ... 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0
4 1 1 0 4 1 0 0 0 1 1 ... 1 3 1 6 1 0 1 0 0 0
5 6 0 0 1 0 0 12 0 0 1 ... 0 6 0 2 0 1 5 0 0 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1473 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
1480 1 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 ... 0 2 0 3 0 0 2 1 0 0
1484 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 ... 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
1495 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 ... 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 3 0 0
1498 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 ... 3 3 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0

1271 rows × 42 columns

from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
#cell_by_gene_normalized = ssam.run_sctransform(cell_by_gene.reset_index(drop=True), plot_model_pars=True)[0]
cell_by_gene_normalized = np.log(normalize(cell_by_gene, norm="l1", axis=1) * 10 + 1)
cell_by_gene_normalized_scaled = preprocessing.scale(cell_by_gene_normalized)
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import chain

def sort_genes(centroids, tbl, genes, min_exp=0.5):
    sorted_genes = defaultdict(lambda: [])
    sorted_cnt = 0
    while sorted_cnt < len(genes):
        for cidx, mean_cl in enumerate(centroids):
            for gidx in np.argsort(mean_cl)[::-1]:
                if all([not genes[gidx] in l for l in sorted_genes.values()]):
                    if mean_cl[gidx] < min_exp:
                    sorted_cnt += 1
    sorted_genes = list(chain(*[sorted_genes[i] for i in range(len(centroids))])) + sorted_genes["rem"]
    sorted_gidx = [list(genes).index(g) for g in sorted_genes]
    return tbl[:, sorted_gidx], sorted_genes
def plot_heatmap(sorted_cbg, sorted_genes, calls, uniq_calls, cols, figsize):
    from sklearn import preprocessing
    from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import Divider, Size
    from matplotlib import patches

    rects = []
    sorted_cbg2 = np.zeros_like(sorted_cbg)
    curpos = 0
    for idx, (cell_type, col) in enumerate(zip(uniq_calls, cols)):
        cl_vecs = sorted_cbg[calls.subclass == cell_type]
        sorted_cbg2[curpos:curpos+len(cl_vecs)] = cl_vecs
        rects.append(patches.Rectangle((curpos, 0), curpos+len(cl_vecs), 1, linewidth=0, facecolor=col))
        curpos += len(cl_vecs)

    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
    #fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=[20, 10], sharex=True)

    h = [Size.Fixed(1.0), Size.Scaled(1.0)]
    v = [Size.Fixed(0), Size.Scaled(1.0), Size.Fixed(0.05), Size.Fixed(0.3)]
    divider = Divider(fig, (0, 0, 1, 1), h, v, aspect=False)

    ax_heatmap = fig.add_axes(divider.get_position(), axes_locator=divider.new_locator(nx=1, ny=1))
    ax_ctbar = fig.add_axes(divider.get_position(), axes_locator=divider.new_locator(nx=1, ny=3), sharex=ax_heatmap)

    for rect in rects:

    for sp in ax_ctbar.spines.values():

    sns.heatmap(sorted_cbg2.T[::-1, :], vmin=-2.5, vmax=2.5, cmap='bwr', yticklabels=sorted_genes[::-1],
                cbar=None, ax=ax_heatmap)
    for tick in ax_heatmap.get_yticklabels():
    for sp in ax_heatmap.spines.values():

    #ax_hist = fig.add_axes([1.02, 0.74, 0.08, 0.1])
    #ax_hist.hist(np.ravel(sorted_cbg2), bins=100, histtype='step', lw=3, color='lime')
    #ax_hist.set_xlim([-2.5, 2.5])
    #ax_hist.axes.xaxis.set_ticks([-2.5, 0, 2.5])

    return fig
uniq_celltypes_nwcs = [cl for cl in cell_class_colors.keys() if cl in calls_nwcs.subclass.unique()]
centroids_nwcs = []
for cell_type in uniq_celltypes_nwcs:
    centroids_nwcs.append(np.mean(cell_by_gene_normalized[calls_nwcs.subclass == cell_type], axis=0))
centroids_scaled_nwcs = []
for cell_type in uniq_celltypes_nwcs:
    centroids_scaled_nwcs.append(np.mean(cell_by_gene_normalized_scaled[calls_nwcs.subclass == cell_type], axis=0))

sorted_cbg, sorted_genes = sort_genes(centroids_scaled_nwcs, cell_by_gene_normalized_scaled, ds.genes)
cols = [cell_class_colors[ct] for ct in uniq_celltypes_nwcs]
plot_heatmap(sorted_cbg[:, ::-1], sorted_genes[::-1], calls_nwcs, uniq_celltypes_nwcs, cols, [20, 10]).savefig("exseq_heatmap_nwcs.pdf")
from sklearn import preprocessing
fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(uniq_celltypes_nwcs), 1, figsize=[20, len(uniq_celltypes_nwcs)*2])
for idx, cell_type in enumerate(uniq_celltypes_nwcs):
    cl_vecs = cell_by_gene_normalized_scaled[calls_nwcs.subclass == cell_type]
    if len(cl_vecs) == 1:
        cl_vecs = np.array([cl_vecs[0], cl_vecs[0]])
    sns.violinplot(ax=axes[idx], data=cl_vecs, width=1)
axes[idx].set_xticklabels(ds.genes, rotation=90)
Generating cell-type map for centroid #0...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #1...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #2...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #3...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #4...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #5...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #6...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #7...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #8...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #9...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #10...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #11...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #12...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #13...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #14...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
analysis.filter_celltypemaps(min_norm=0.05, min_r=0.6)
ds.centroids = centroids_nwcs # TODO: this should not be necessary!
analysis.bin_celltypemaps(step=10, radius=100)
analysis.find_domains(n_clusters=20, merge_remote=False, merge_thres=0.8, norm_thres=4000)
plt.figure(figsize=[15, 15])
ds.plot_domains(rotate=3, cmap='rainbow', z=0)
layer_annotations = ds.inferred_domains[ds.local_maxs]
[ ]:

# TODO: implement this in SSAM!
ctmap_topview = np.zeros([ds.filtered_celltype_maps.shape[0], ds.filtered_celltype_maps.shape[1], 1], dtype=int) - 1
for z in range(ds.filtered_celltype_maps.shape[-1]):
    m = ds.filtered_celltype_maps[..., z] > -1
    ctmap_topview[m, 0] = ds.filtered_celltype_maps[..., z][m]
ds.filtered_celltype_maps = ctmap_topview
map_colors_nwcs = [cell_class_colors[ct] for ct in uniq_celltypes_nwcs]
plt.figure(figsize=[20, 20])
ds.plot_celltypes_map(rotate=3, z=0, colors=map_colors_nwcs)
plt.title("ExSeq - NWCS (SSAM)")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'ExSeq - NWCS (SSAM)')
calls_gmcs = pd.read_csv("consensus_calls/charles/exseq_jeremy_pciseq_renee_eeshit_consensus_df.csv")
for cl in calls_gmcs.subclass.unique():
    if cl == "L23_IT":
        calls_gmcs.subclass.loc[calls_gmcs.subclass == "L23_IT"] = "L2/3 IT"
    elif "_" in cl:
        calls_gmcs.subclass.loc[calls_gmcs.subclass == cl] = cl.replace("_", " ")
/tmp/ipykernel_263/ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
  calls_gmcs.subclass.loc[calls_gmcs.subclass == cl] = cl.replace("_", " ")
/tmp/ipykernel_263/ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame

See the caveats in the documentation:
  calls_gmcs.subclass.loc[calls_gmcs.subclass == "L23_IT"] = "L2/3 IT"
uniq_celltypes_gmcs = [cl for cl in cell_class_colors.keys() if cl in calls_gmcs.subclass.unique()]
centroids_gmcs = []
for cell_type in uniq_celltypes_gmcs:
    centroids_gmcs.append(np.mean(cell_by_gene_normalized[calls_gmcs.subclass == cell_type], axis=0))
centroids_scaled_gmcs = []
for cell_type in uniq_celltypes_gmcs:
    centroids_scaled_gmcs.append(np.mean(cell_by_gene_normalized_scaled[calls_gmcs.subclass == cell_type], axis=0))

sorted_cbg, sorted_genes = sort_genes(centroids_scaled_gmcs, cell_by_gene_normalized_scaled, ds.genes)
cols = [cell_class_colors[ct] for ct in uniq_celltypes_gmcs]
plot_heatmap(sorted_cbg[:, ::-1], sorted_genes[::-1], calls_gmcs, uniq_celltypes_gmcs, cols, [20, 10]).savefig("exseq_heatmap_gmcs.pdf")
from sklearn import preprocessing
fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(uniq_celltypes_gmcs), 1, figsize=[20, len(uniq_celltypes_gmcs)*2])
for idx, cell_type in enumerate(uniq_celltypes_gmcs):
    cl_vecs = cell_by_gene_normalized_scaled[calls_gmcs.subclass == cell_type]
    if len(cl_vecs) == 1:
        cl_vecs = np.array([cl_vecs[0], cl_vecs[0]])
    sns.violinplot(ax=axes[idx], data=cl_vecs, width=1)
axes[idx].set_xticklabels(ds.genes, rotation=90)
Generating cell-type map for centroid #0...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
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Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #1...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #2...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #3...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #4...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #5...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #6...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #7...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #8...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #9...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #10...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #11...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #12...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #13...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #14...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
Processing chunk (1/6)...
Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
Processing chunk (4/6)...
Processing chunk (5/6)...
Generating cell-type map for centroid #15...
Processing chunk (0/6)...
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Processing chunk (2/6)...
Processing chunk (3/6)...
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Processing chunk (5/6)...
analysis.filter_celltypemaps(min_norm=0.05, min_r=0.6)
# TODO: implement this in SSAM!
ctmap_topview = np.zeros([ds.filtered_celltype_maps.shape[0], ds.filtered_celltype_maps.shape[1], 1], dtype=int) - 1
for z in range(ds.filtered_celltype_maps.shape[-1]):
    m = ds.filtered_celltype_maps[..., z] > -1
    ctmap_topview[m, 0] = ds.filtered_celltype_maps[..., z][m]
ds.filtered_celltype_maps = ctmap_topview
map_colors_gmcs = [cell_class_colors[ct.replace("_", " ").replace("L23", "L2/3")] for ct in uniq_celltypes_gmcs]
plt.figure(figsize=[20, 20])
ds.plot_celltypes_map(rotate=3, z=0, colors=map_colors_gmcs)
plt.title("ExSeq - GMCS (SSAM)")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'ExSeq - GMCS (SSAM)')
closest_nwcs_clusters = []
closest_nwcs_clusters_r = []
closest_gmcs_clusters = []
closest_gmcs_clusters_r = []
for v in ds.normalized_vectors:
    corrs = [ssam.utils.corr(v, centroids_nwcs[i]) for i in range(len(centroids_nwcs))]
    idx = np.argmax(corrs)

    corrs = [ssam.utils.corr(v, centroids_gmcs[i]) for i in range(len(centroids_gmcs))]
    idx = np.argmax(corrs)

df = pd.DataFrame(ds.normalized_vectors, columns=ds.genes)

df = pd.DataFrame()
df['x'] = ds.local_maxs[0]
df['y'] = ds.local_maxs[1]
df['closest_consensus_nwcs_cluster'] = closest_nwcs_clusters
df['closest_consensus_nwcs_cluster_r'] = closest_nwcs_clusters_r
df['closest_consensus_gmcs_cluster'] = closest_gmcs_clusters
df['closest_consensus_gmcs_cluster_r'] = closest_gmcs_clusters_r
df['layer_annotations_nwcs'] = layer_annotations

from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull

plt.figure(figsize=[20, 20])
good_ids = cell_by_gene.index.astype(int)
i = 0
for cid, sdf in spots.groupby("cell"):
    if cid in good_ids:
        points = sdf.iloc[:, :2].to_numpy()
        hull = ConvexHull(points)
        plt.fill(points[hull.vertices, 0], points[hull.vertices, 1], cell_class_colors[calls_nwcs.subclass[i]], edgecolor="black", linewidth=0.5)
        i += 1
plt.xlim([0, ds.shape[0]])
plt.ylim([0, ds.shape[1]])
plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')

plt.title("ExSeq - NWCS")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'ExSeq - NWCS')
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull

plt.figure(figsize=[20, 20])
good_ids = cell_by_gene.index.astype(int)
i = 0
for cid, sdf in spots.groupby("cell"):
    if cid in good_ids:
        points = sdf.iloc[:, :2].to_numpy()
        hull = ConvexHull(points)
        plt.fill(points[hull.vertices, 0], points[hull.vertices, 1], cell_class_colors[calls_gmcs.subclass[i].replace("_", " ").replace("L23", "L2/3")], edgecolor="black", linewidth=0.5)
        i += 1
plt.xlim([0, ds.shape[0]])
plt.ylim([0, ds.shape[1]])
plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')

plt.title("ExSeq - GMCS")
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'ExSeq - GMCS')